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Indonesia is the most beautiful place to traveling expecially for some people who love nature. Everypeople knows that Indonesia is not clean country not only for the environment but also the food. But something that you must realize that Indonesia has friendly people, beautifull nature and beautifull ladies hahahah *LOL*. If you compare Indonesia with some places in the world like Europe or even Singapore, Indonesia has very big different for the environmental cleanness. In fact, I always dream that someday Indonesia will be like Singapore or some big countries which can keep their environment. Not only for the rubbish but also for the air, water, food, etc. I don’t know it will be possible or not. I don’t care. Noone prohibites someone to dream, right? So, it’s fine haha

Oke, forget it. Let’s talk about my experience in one of mountain in Indonesia. It’s still active. And you must know that it also has child mountain. Actually I never think how mountain can get married and after that they have a child? Have you ever think how they can make a child? Heheh

2 months ago, I was there with myspecial partner. Why I call him as special? Because he has different places in my heart *tsaaaah*. I love him hahaha. I miss him very much. O Gooood..

I went there from Kediri. It's needed enough time to go there. Because we’re just 2 people so we decided to go there through Probolinggo. And that’s not easy trip because it was mypartner first time to go a place by economic bus. How spoiled he is.

We should take bus to go to Malang (± Rp 20.000 @person), then take public transportation or usually Indonesia people call them with angkot untill the bus station in Malang(± Rp 4.000 @person), go to probolinggo by bus (± Rp 50.000 @person). And until you arrive in Probolinggo bus station, you must take a mini car(± Rp 35.000 @person) to go to Ngadisari village. In this village you’ll need jacket. So make sure that you bring your jacket to go here. You need about 8 hours to go here. It’s so long time

Ngadisari village is very cold. Eventhough you get blanket in the hotel or homestay, you’ll still feel cold. For rent homestay here you need Rp 150.000 @room. And some people here will offer a transportation service to go some interest places in Bromo. You must pay Rp 150.000 each person. Usually there are 4 spots which can you visit. They are sun rise in special place, pasir berbisik, bukit telettubies and kawah (crater). Be carefull in the crater. Bromo is still active. Remember it?

Oke so, because I don’t have any idea to write and my eyes said it's time too sleep. Just see the photos

Sun Rise in Bromo *sunrise se ndak ketok

If you go to the top of crater, you can see this view

And the last one. I must say sorry because i don't have picture in bukit telettubies and pasir berbisik hahaha. Oke guys, see you and bye


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Transtheoritical Model of Change (TTM) *just for your reference

Model Transtheoretical ( Prochaska & DiClemente , 1983; Prochaska , DiClemente , & Norcross , 1992; Prochaska & Velicer , 1997) adalah model integratif perubahan perilaku . Gagasan-gagasan kunci dari teori lain dipadukan . Model ini menggambarkan bagaimana orang-orang memodifikasi masalah perilaku atau mendapatkan suatu perilaku positif . Pengorganisasian pusat gagasan dari model ini adalah tahapan perubahan ( stages of change ) . Model ini juga mencakup serangkaian variabel independen, proses perubahan , dan serangkaian ukuran hasil , termasuk decisional balance dan temptation scale . Proses perubahan ini adalah sepuluh kognitif dan aktivitas perilaku yang memfasilitasi perubahan. 1 Model Transtheoretical adalah model perubahan yang disengaja, yaitu model yang berfokus pada pengambilan keputusan individu. Pendekatan lain untuk promosi kesehatan telah berfokus terutama pada pengaruh sosial terhadap perilaku atau pengaruh biologis terhadap peri


Hai mblogs, apa kabar? Lama aku tak bersua denganmu. Sehat kau blog-ku sayang? Tak lupakan engkau padaku? Maafkan daku selama ini sempat melupakanmu :(' Ini hari minggu. Ciee..minggu weekend. Libur yah? Libur apanya-h (-_-‘) …entahlah sejak saia jadi pengangguran * aku bold kemudian aku italic, biar sadar diri * saia tak tahu mana itu minggu dan mana itu senin. Tuhan..aku baru jadi pengangguran belum genap 2 bulan tapi rasanya sudah setahun. Itupun ga nganggur2 amat, masih kerjakan project LSM. Fiuuuuh… *sibak rambut Hari ini schedule aku pendampingan kader DBD di Semarang bawah. Tapi langit seperti tak mendukung, udara berhempas dingin, cahaya pun merem melek dan tetesan air langit belum turun juga si sebenernya hahaha * kutu kupret tingkat dewa *. Tapi yah apa daya jika perempuan cantik ini sudah membulatkan tekad jangankan hujan lebat, ga hujan aja aku samber . Lihatlah aku didepan kaca yang tidak tampak cantik sama sekali cuma terlihat agak seksi dan ng-enek-in. De

Pengamen Indonesia-h

What time is it now? Sleepy sleepy sleepy...need a hug *kode123cekcek December 25 th , 2015 Happy marry christmas for everyone who celebrates!!! Yo yo yo..kadoo mana kadoo kagak nyampe rumah. Minta kado apa dah dek? Bolehlah seperangkat alat shalat dibayar tunai bang *wakwakwak Libur akhir 2015. Liburan yang amat panjang diimbangi dengan macet yang tiada tara. Bunyi klakson akan menghiasi liburan kita kali ini yeeah.. tapi berhubung rumah aku deketnya sama rel kereta api dibanding jalan raya, bunyi gujes gujes teteuup juaraa... Aku hari ini pulang loch. Ke rumah orangtua  aku  yes, bukan ke rumah mertua *mertuamanamertua. Rumah aku ada di ujung selatan daerah perbatasan jawa tengah dan jawa barat *read:cilacap. Hari ini aku bangun gasik cuma buat pulang, malemnya nyuci ame nyetrika. Amazing ga siii again, plus packing. Malemnyaa bobo ga tenang (-__-). Singkat cerita badan eike pegel2 terus paginya bisa dibayangin eike yang punya rambut iklan shampoo ini kerama